What is wrong with the following scenario?

We, the authorities and experts, are extremely sorry to let you know that we made a colossal mistake in declaring the Corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic. It is one of such rare situations where we found out at an extremely high cost (human and financial) that our scientific understanding of the subject was flawed and failed us. We honestly carried away with our projections and fear of huge number of anticipated deaths by the potential spread of this variant flu which clearly did not come out to be correct. We sincerely regret this unfortunate situation and ask for your forgiveness. Please accept our apologies. We hope that public will forgive us and will start its usual daily life. In addition, we hope that public would avoid the use and/or development of new medicines based on our falsely classified disease and pandemic hence reducing any further damages which may occur.

Once again, we sincerely apologise and hope that we will be forgiven.

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